
Hey there! Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Jamie, and this website is basically a peek into what makes me tick. So, picture this: a blend of homelab wizardry, server sorcery, computer geekiness, a dash of automotive enthusiasm, and a whole lot of gaming fun.

I'm that person who's always tinkering with gadgets, setting up servers just for the heck of it, and spending way too much time fine-tuning my homelab setup. When I'm not knee-deep in cables and code, you'll probably find me under the hood of a car, wrench in hand, or kicking back with a controller in front of the latest game release.

So, if you're into any of that stuff, or just curious about what goes on in the mind of someone who lives for tech and gaming, you're in the right place. Stick around, browse a bit, and let's geek out together!

I'm also the owner of jdbnet.co.uk which you can check out here.